A short game for Mini Jam 128: Health

Required limitation: The only way to go is up

The theme of "Health" took my mind to medicine then the question became what medicine? Somehow the idea I landed on is rectal suppositories. That's the kind you stick up your bum-bum. And when you've been shoved into somebody's booty hole you can only go up from there.

So you're playing as the little rectal suppository that could that I'm naming Coco (because she's primarily made of cocoa butter). Doesn't that sound yummy? And she's bullet shaped for easy insertion 。◕‿◕。

Guide Coco while she travels through the body and releases her medicine. As time goes on she will dissolve and ultimately perish. It's okay, she accepted her fate. But she can't dissolve too fast or the medicine won't distribute correctly. That's why you must avoid the nasty visitors in this person's body. What are they doing here? What are they? I'll just let your imagination run wild. One thing is certain, Coco is there to release medicine that will eradicate them. Of course, they don't want that so they'll try to force her to release the payload early by giving her a little tickle. Stay away from them! The medicine must be distributed nicely and evenly.

How to Play:

Coco is constantly sinking because she's just so dense with medicine. If she sinks too low it's a game over so keep an eye on that. Be sure to avoid the nasty intruders while you're at it too because touching them is a game over as well.

The process of Coco dissolving is broken into 6 stages. For each new stage, she will become smaller and the pace of the game will increase. Popping bubbles dissolves her slightly faster, by the way. In the later stages, Coco will zip around like she's got drugs in her other than medicine so hopefully you've got a handle on the controls by then. Speaking of which:


W, A, D or Arrow Keys for the zoomies

P to pause

Sound Credits:

Sound Effects from Zapsplat: https://www.zapsplat.com/

All Music by Eric Matyas: https://soundimage.org/

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