A downloadable game


This is just a concept. No actual game :(  This project is a mockup created for this jam: https://itch.io/jam/game-mockup-jam

The nation is at war, civil unrest is rampant, and couples everywhere are being driven apart by their parents who have chosen opposite sides.  If poor little Romeo attempts to see his Juliet her family's guards might chop his head off. So what are they to do? Hire Aimi, of course! Love is her passion so she'll do anything to keep these lovebirds in touch one way or another. As long as she gets paid.

But she doesn't just work for nobility. If the money is there she'll help any man or woman get with their partner. Such hijinks include helping a farmboy win over a geisha, uniting a florist and a samurai, and stealing the heart of the shogun's daughter... wait, that wasn't part of the plan!


I loved making this concept so I'd love to see it become a reality. I don't expect anyone other than me to go through the effort of making it, however, the jam host would like me to specify my terms:

CC BY: Basically, just give me credit... pwetty please

Hey, since you made it this far maybe you'll listen to my ramblings. At first, I wanted to do something reminiscent of an N64 game but then I was inspired by this game on the featured game list: https://poppyworks.itch.io/mjp. I didn't fancy green though. I instead chose the color of love. And blood but this won't be a violent game contrary to most ninja stories. But I still don't expect it to be child friendly. I'm not saying I'd make it one of "those" games, I don't think I even have enough pixels to work with, just that it'd be mature. 

By the way, I'm including a picture of Aimi here. Why? I don't know. I feel like an itch page needs something available to download. Make it a Valentine's card or something.

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorFava Beans
TagsLGBT, Pixel Art, Romance, Yuri


GMJ Character Portrait.png 867 kB


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Sounds engaging! Quite a few games in this jam are inspiring, including yours.

Thanks! To call it inspiring is pretty high praise!