A game made in 3 hours for the 203rd TriJam


D or Right Arrow key: Move Clockwise

A or Left Arrow key: Move Counterclockwise

Left Mouse or Space: Shoot

Negative Thought Bubbles decrease your happiness
Positive Thought Bubbles Increase your happiness

The theme I had to work with is: Cycle is broken.

I wanted to create something that's uplifting, as long as you win, so the goal of this game is to end a pink-haired girl's cycle of self-loathing.

Life is full of ups and downs and to some people, it can feel like there are more downs than ups. Even if something lifts them up they'll circle back to loathing if their mindset hasn't improved. So for this game, you're to blast as many negative thoughts as you can and only let in the positive stuff. If you can do that, eventually this pink-haired sad bean will become happy.

Sidenote:  I know mental health isn't this simple but I had 3 hours to make this thing.

Audio Credits:

Sound Effects from Zapsplat: https://www.zapsplat.com/

Music by Eric Matyas: https://soundimage.org/

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