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Great job on another fun little game. By far the most fun egg based game I have ever played in my life.

Thanks! I had more fun making a game based on eggs than I thought I would

Cute and fun puzzle platforming!! I love the cake eating animation too 😂

Thanks! I love that animation too. It made me giggle a lot during development 😄

really cool puzzle platformer, i really liked how you can stick the eggs to spikes to use as platforms that’s a very clever mechanic.

Also like the main character’s design and her sprite rendition in very low res is quite well done as well ^^


Thanks! I'm happy you had fun with it. And I'm glad you like Chickpea too. This is my first time creating an avian character

No problem, the game is fun, and for a first time drawing this type of chara, she looks cool :)

What a great game! Really polished and inventive. Is there any chance of adding gamepad support?

Thanks for the compliments! And thanks for reminding me about gamepad support. I meant to add that originally. I just made a small update that gives partial support that only seems to work on the downloaded versions.