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I streamed your game last night! Overall, there's some comedic writing and nice art, but the game play itself is quite lacking.

While I enjoyed the presentation of your game, the combat quickly became quite mindless. This is thanks primarily to the fact that attacking is as simple as pressing the attack button and can be spammed rather quickly. Couple this flaw with your attacks going through multiple enemies at once and enemies only taking a single hit, it really doesn't matter how many enemies are on screen; whether it's 1 enemy or 100 enemies, they all die equally as quickly and therefore there is no challenge.

There is also some missing clarity in the design of the game. While the basic tutorial covered basic control like attack and move, not only is it easy for people to miss these tutorials and potentially not understand how to play, I also didn't see any sort of tutorial message for using your super skill. Having redundancies in place to ensure even the dumbest of drunk streamers would benefit the game and anyone who plays. On a similar note, the goal of each level wasn't entirely clear to me, with strange design choices that only muddy the clarity. The wall that auto scrolls made me think the game is a side-scroller where the goal is to reach the end of the level. The kill counter at the end of the level made me think the goal was to kill as many monsters as I possibly can within a given time frame. The grade system made me think the goal was to kill a specific number of monsters as quickly as possible. All of these elements contradict and make things unclear. I suppose the ultimate goal is the latter of those 3 contradictions, however, at the end of the third level I not only reached the "100" goal for the level that was written in a relatively small font shoved into the top right corner, but I surpassed it by 400 kills. I assume either one of these 2 things happened: Your conditional check accidentally has an extra 0 that shouldn't be there, or more likely your conditional check is checking for exactly 100 kills, when it should be checking for "equal-to, or great-than".

If you'd like to watch my experience with your game, I've linked the archive below. You can click the timestamps to jump to when I start playing your game.


Thank you so much for playing my game and giving me detailed feedback! I agree that combat is mindless and easy. The challenge comes more from trying to beat the level in little enough time to get an S. In later levels I even piled up spikes just so that it wasn't too easy. Unfortunately, you weren't able to play very far though. The fact that you couldn't progress was indeed a bug. I think your second theory is the most likely cause of it. But during development level 3 was the only level that'd do this and it'd happen 100% of the time until I made a workaround. I thought that I had fixed the issue after I had implemented the workaround because I was able to proceed without any more issues during testing from then on. Mysterious bugs kept popping up during development and a couple were turned into "features". The fact that not every worm enemy spawns is one of these "features". By the time the jam was coming to a close I was burnt out on the project.

Doing this game jam and watching/reading your feedback has definitely taught me some things and hopefully, my games are better designed in the future.

Thanks for taking the feedback in strides, I hope to see more games from you in the future. You're always welcome to recommend some to me too if you think you have a magnum opus that better demonstrates your skill ๐Ÿ˜Š

Also, totally unrelated, but you're the first non-RPG Maker dev to actually acknowledge my review of their game. ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿฅณ๐ŸŽ‰
If I had an award, I'd give it to you.

I love it. Crazy! Story, Art, Music, Gameplay. Its awesome! Good job!


Thank you! I appreciate the feedback


Thank you for playing and showcasing my game!